BCA Section J, a component of the National Construction Code (NCC), encompasses the Energy Efficiency of commercial (i.e. Class 2-9) developments.
BCA Section J aims to minimise Australia’s carbon footprint by ensuring that building plans and architectural designs facilitate efficient energy consumption. Assessors can utilise various tools to demonstrate building design compliance with the Section J standards:
A Performance Solution- either using a NABERS rating or JV3 assessment.
A Deemed to Satisfy (DTS) Solution
A hybrid approach, e.g. Roof requirements assessment using Performance Solution and remaining parameter using Deemed To Satisfy.
Any one of these assessment methods can be implemented to determine BCA section J compliance.
How A BCA Section J Assessment Is Done?
DtS Model
The DtS verification method has a provision for assessing each of the following elements of a building design:
Thermal Construction Elements (Part J1.2)
Roof and Ceiling Development (Part J1.3)
Roof Lights Installation (Part J1.4)
Wall Construction and Glazing Installation (Part J1.5)
Flooring design elements (J1.6)
Sealing of the building (J3)
Air-conditioning and Ventilation System (Part J5)
Power Supply and installed lighting features (Part J6, J7 & J8)
In BCA Section J Building Assessment through the DTS approach, you need to demonstrate using a Section J report that the development to be assessed complies with each section of the NCC standard regulations.
JV3 Assessment Model For Preparing Section J Report
If a commercial project cannot fulfil the Section J requirements using the DtS approach, or if a developer wants to modify certain components of the building’s design, alternative assessments methods can be performed outside of the DtS provisions.
An alternative solution accepted by the regulatory authority for determining Section J compliance is utilising a JV3 Assessment Alternative Method.
The JV3 assessment technique can also be utilised as a performance solution to determine the efficient use of energy appropriate to:
The utilisation and function of the development and building services
The internal environment of the project
The project’s geographic location
The effects surrounding landscape have on the development such as neighbouring structures, topography, and nearby buildings.
Solar radiation principles utilised for heating and cooling purposes.
The building sealing and envelop against air leakage
Air movement facilitation to assist heating and cooling
The energy source of the building services
How JV3 Assessment Can Help In Cost Savings?
DtS assessments have certain limitations pertaining to insulation requirements, glazing allowances and roof light installation. With such stringent compliance requirements, the overall construction expenditure increases considerably.
Moreover, the design features and the functionality of a certain portion of the development can get compromised under DtS provisions.
JV3 assessment offers a much more flexible solution. Your project’s every design concept are registered/documented into a software model, and the most cost-effective compliant project concept can be determined by a strategic trade-off between various building elements.
Initial JV3 assessment can be costlier than the DtS approach. However, it enables a considerable amount of saving during the building’s construction phase. It also allows a more balanced and efficient construction solution, especially for BCA section J glazing requirements.