JV3 assessment defines an alternative assessment method for non-residential buildings. In JV3 modelling, new buildings use a reference building to compare the overall energy consumption pertaining to their location and climate.
A building having the exact same design, layout, and using similar building materials, can have a different energy consumption than its twin located many kilometres away. Factors like its location and specific weather conditions significantly affect the annual energy consumption.
Benefits of JV3 Modelling
1. Provides Cost-Effective Solution
The JV3 modelling, when used correctly, offers a cost-effective solution for the built environment. Glazing and insulation are significant areas where costs reduction and enhancing building performance can be implemented.
Insulation applications may be costly, especially under slab insulation in warm climatic regions. Climatic zones 1, 2, 3 under the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) are warm regions.
In these warm zones, the energy performance of a building is extensively impacted by shaded undercrofts and external shading than undercroft insulation.
The undercroft insulation can be typically deleted if you use JV3 modelling for an impact assessment on the building and comparing it to the DtS provision's insulation performance. This is one simple example of the JV3 modelling benefit.
2. Offers Greater Design Flexibility
With JV3 modelling, you enjoy design flexibility and ultimately reduce the overall cost. This benefit is most useful for fire-rated areas of buildings.
Fire-rated materials generally have poor thermal insulating properties. Therefore, building a double-wall is necessary. One wall is constructed to fulfil fire rating requirements, and another one is attached to the first for meeting BCA section J compliance standards.
This entire exercise can be costly, and the thicker double walls may increase the overall footprint of the building.
The JV3 modelling and assessment solution can provide a compliance assessment for these walls that don't attract the penalties associated with the DtS assessment.
3. Allows Designs That Are Unattainable With DtS Designs
With JV3 modelling, the direct assessment of the positive and negative characteristic of a design is possible. You'll get an opportunity to save money in design, construction material, building process and later during the building operation.
Unlike DtS protocols, JV3 modelling does not restrict the usage of building materials and increase the thickness of walls.
It allows a balanced building performance that can reduce insulation in specific areas of the building while increasing the performance in certain areas of the building where the materials will have a more significant impact.
A Cost-Efficient And Sustainable Alternative
The JV3 modelling has empowered engineering and professionals of building physics with the potential to provide the industry a clear pathway for the determination of performance solutions and direct verification methods.
This allows compliance assessment to be stronger and more flexible in achieving the BCA performance requirements.